Most people have never heard of PPP because most men keep silent about this impossible to hide condition. PPP refers to Pearly Penile Papules those white pimples around the head of the penis.

Pearly penile papules (PPP) are small, dome-shaped bumps that typically appear around the rim of the head of the penis. They are usually flesh-coloured or white and can vary in size. PPP are harmless and not considered a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

The exact cause of PPP is unknown, but they are thought to be a normal variation of the penis anatomy. They typically appear in men during adolescence or early adulthood and are more common in uncircumcised males.

PPP can be mistaken for other conditions such as genital warts or Fordyce spots, but they are not related to either of these conditions. PPP do not require treatment and are not harmful or contagious. However, some men may feel self-conscious about their appearance and may choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons.

Brave enough men may have gone to their doctor who may not even know what these flesh coloured dome topped bumps are or told them they were perfectly normal and just forget about them and live with it? Even though PPP don’t have great physical impact they certainly affect the individual at a self-confidence and psychological level. Will they ever go away? No. They even become more visible in the erect state, how embarrassing!

Perly Penile Papules

PPP are usually noticed at a young age, around puberty. Many affected men live with the condition and keep it like a “secret” ? Many men I see have developed serious psychological problems because of the pearly penile papules. For fear of being ridiculed or worry their sexual partner many men suffering PPP refuse intimate interaction with others and avoid sexual encounters.

The condition is one of the most common problems men have in the genital area. These PPP are called Pearly Penile Papules and they occur in up to 30% of men. Some men have more papules than others but usually they range between 150 and 250 pimple like skin tag type protrusions around the rim of the penis. We don’t know what the cause of PPP is but one thing for certain, these pearly penile papules are not contagious and in no way related to STD or genital warts.

I treat those embarrassing pimples down-there by using either SWD short wave diathermy, Helium Plasma or carbon dioxide laser. These treatments essentially destroy or vaporise the pesky little papules. Both procedures are completely painless. I administer the SWD or CO2 Laser treatments after administering local anaesthesia block on the patient’s penis area. Once treated these annoying papules are gone once and for all with a confidence rating of over 90%. Two to three weeks later it is recovered and ready for action!

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