Belkyra (kybella)

Belkyra (Kybella)

Injection lipolysis is a cosmetic procedure where fat is dissolved using medications. When Belkyra (Kybella) is injected, it breaks down unwanted fat in a process called emulsification. Our bodies remove emulsified fat through metabolic pathways. The Bylekyra (kybella) injections we use contain deoxycholic acid also known as deoxycholate. The naturally occurring substance found its way into aesthetic medicine when treatment benefits were seen during intravenous therapy for fat embolism.

Science behind Fat Dissolving Injections

In 1966, investigators observed intravenous infusion of PC-containing solutions successfully removing fat embolism. Later, a drug formulation called Lipostabil containing 5% phosphatidyl choline and 4.75% deoxycholate was approved in Germany and used in the treatment of fat embolism, dyslipidemia and alcohol-induced liver cirrhosis. The compound was safe and efficient in dissolving localised fat deposits. These findings were used in aesthetic practices in Colombia back in 2004.

Dr Kahlout at Castleknock Cosmetic Clinic Dublin is a member of Network Lipolysis since 2006. The first report of fat dissolving injection for fat removal demonstrated infra-orbital (“under the eyelid”) fat reduction. Placebo-controlled studies demonstrated safety or efficacy of Kybella when used by trained doctors. The FDA approved medicine is injected directly into the subcutaneous fat using multiple micro-needle injections. He was one of the first doctors in Ireland to train in the use of Belkyra (kybella) by Allergan Aesthetics.

fat dissolving injections lipodissolve kybella

Fat Dissolving Injections

Belkyra (Kybella) is the most recent generation medicine that gets rid of unwanted localised fat. It is a non- surgical treatment where a series of tiny injections are given to patients as an alternative to liposuction. The chemical solution’s main ingredient is deoxycholic acid (DC). Deoxy cholic is a bile acid FDA approved.

This acid is naturally produced by your body to aid in the breakdown of dietary fat. The synthetic version is injected into the submental fat layer under the chin. Within minutes, the acid kills the cells through a process known as emulsification. In the weeks that follow, the immune system will naturally dispose of the broken down fat cells. (Deoxycholic acid injections are also being used successfully to minimise other stubborn fatty pockets like the bra bulge and banana rolls).

In certified hands, Belkyra (Kybella) treatment has no long term risks or complications. We expect injection area reaction, to include minor side effects like itchiness, temporary swelling, and possible bruising. A few hours after the treatment patients experience redness and swelling which is short lived, a week or so.

Belkyra (Kybella) Suitability

Fat dissolving injections are offered by Castleknock Cosmetic Clinic Dublin to patients who want to get rid of unwanted small fat deposits in but don’t want to undergo more invasive surgery. It is a popular medical procedure ever since Kybella was released in the USA. In Ireland and the UK its offered using the trade name Belkyra. During the procedure deoxycholic acid solution is injected to targeted areas. It starts to work immediately breaking down and emulsifying fats cells. Deoxycholic acid reacts with fat turning it into soluble fatty acids that are readily removed from the body through metabolic pathways.

To achieved best results patients undergo a 2-3 injection treatments. Each session will take 20 to 30 minutes and spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Fat dissolving is licenced for small and localised fat deposits that stay unaffected by proper diet and regular exercise. Result cannot be compared to VASER Neck Liposuction and liposuction which can deliver substantial once off results by physically removing fats from the body. The advantage of Belkyra (Kybella) treatment is being minimally invasive injection therapy which is best suited to remove fat from small defined areas like the neck, double chin, bra bulge and banana rolls.

chiselled neck line with fat dissolving injections

Areas Suitable for Fat Dissolving

Fat dissolving kybella lipolax injection under chin arms banana rolls

Fat dissolving injections are a great alternative to liposuction when it comes to treating small areas. Most suitable for localised fat deposits under chin region called the submental area. Another popular area is a collection of fatty tissue between the breast and armpit know as ancillary breast. It is an area troublesome for women bulging our over the bra cup. For this reason its referred to as bra bulge. The final area we treat with fat dissolving injections is the banana roll. That’s an area between the buttocks and the upper thigh.

Fat dissolving injection is NOT recommended for:

Chronic Illness

Liver disease

Thyroid disease

Kidney disease



Hepatitis C

Hepatitis B


Active cancers

Pregnancy and breast feeding

Bleeding disorders

Related neck and Jawline Blogs

Dr Hazem Kahlout

Dr Kahlout shares his personal views and medical experience about neck and jawline liposuction with VASER liposuction with or without Renuvion skin tightening. In a series of clinic blogs you can read about various up-to-date opinion and further information related to this popular side profile transforming procedure. To find out more please click one of the links below:


When getting aesthetic injection treatments you’re paying for the service rather than the product. Treatment cost depends on the the amount of Belkyra (Kybella) required and the size of the area to be treated. For fat dissolving injections, an average 2 to 3 treatment sessions are required. Follow this link to see our current Belkyra (Kybella) Prices for different areas.