Neck and Chin VASER Lipo

VASER Liposuction of the Neck & Chin

Liposuction of the neck and chin is the biggest bang for your buck cosmetic surgery. Typically, if you have excess fat on your neck, you might be a candidate for VASER neck liposuction. However, it could be the case that you just don’t like your neck profile or have excess loose neck skin. Double chin liposuction is an artistic sculpting procedure done through little tiny quarter inch incisions behind each ear. With VASER chin and neck liposuction we can transform the persons appearance to a harmonised picture ready front and side profile. At Castleknock Cosmetic Clinic Dublin, neck, and chin liposuction with VASER is a procedure we do often. It is popular in people as young as in their twenties all the way to their late fifties. Many people affected with double chin know that these annoying fat deposits on can be a genetic thing.

They would have an extra fat pocket in the neck. You can be as light as 60kg (7stone) and have unsightly fat in the neck, taking away from that desired V-Lines appearance. Excess fat lumps your neck and make you look heavier, but you are actually petite. Often weak jawline is associated with a short chin to neck span. A great supplementary procedure is to also inject a chin augmentation implant at the same time using long lasting dermal fillers.

The VASER Difference

One of the considerable benefits of using the VASER platform for neck liposuction is that the ultrasound transmitted by the VASER machine causes the neck skin to contract. VASER stimulated skin tightening may alleviate the need for a facelift or a neck lift. The results you achieve from VASER neck liposuction ultimately depends on your anatomy, your healing ability, and the surgical precision achieved by the surgeon.

We perform neck and chin liposuction under local numbing, and if desired, with a little sedation. Sedation is really only for anxiety. Because a lot of people are worried about surgery and what is going on during the procedure, the blood pressure goes up and they become tense. With relaxant medications you become less anxious and literally smile during the procedure.

Neck & Jawline Contouring

Liposuction of the neck and chin is the biggest bang for your buck cosmetic surgery transformation

VASER Sculpted Jawline

The VASER ultrasound energy gently and selectively emulsify the fat pocket while at the same time contour the neck, jawline and lower face angles. There isn’t usually much fat to be removed, for many about 80 -100 mls is about right. The most we have ever taken was 200mls. The ultrasound energy from the VASER machine causes focused remodelling of the underside of the skin which helps it to drape in a natural and even contour.

VASER neck and double chin liposuction is a selective fat removal technique. The technology enables us to effortlessly targets fat cells with the added advantage emulsifying pockets of fat under the skin. With the ultrasonic energy transmitted by the VASER platform, the subcutaneous layer contracts around bony prominences, revealing a well sculpted jawline bone and encouraging skin tightening of any residual loose skin.

Plasma Skin Tightening

Plasma is an energy delivered by Renuvion for skin tightening. Its also known as J-Plasma and the tightening process as J-Plasty. The FDA approved treatment tightens excess loose skin without the need for invasive excisional surgery, extended downtime, or associated large surgical scars. This skin tightening treatment is unique because can apply precision heat to specific loose skin areas resulting in immediate visible shrink-warping effect. During the treatment the surgeon activates helium gas by radiofrequency (RF) to create a precise stream of energy called (plasma). This plasma energy generates controlled heat to instantly contract the skin while, at the same time, helium gas cools the treatment area. This combination of energy contracts the tissues under the skin, which tightens it.

Renuvion is an add on treatment which complements liposuction with VASER. The J-Plasty procedure uses small 3mm cannula which is inserted under the skin through the same small incisions used earlier during VASER liposuction.

Renuvion J-Plasma J-Plasty skin tightening treatment

J-Plasma Renuvion is a ground-breaking minimally invasive procedure that delivers cold plasma energy to underside of the skin to provide spectacular skin firming results. It instantly tightens liposuctioned area for truly amazing contour. The level of improvement and rejuvenation from cold plasma energy is unrivalled in existing technologies. No laser, ultrasound or radiofrequency treatment is capable of tightening and firming skin to this level.

Double Chin Lipo

VASER liposuction of the neck and chin is a walk in walk out procedure. A a numbing solution is injected first. Not too large an amount, but enough to make you numb. Patients describe the sensation like a vigorous massage.

Unlike traditional liposuction surgery, double chin liposuction does not require general anaesthetic. You are comfortably awake throughout the entire procedure and can see the unwanted fat leave your body. Additionally, you have the advantage of being able to talk with our experienced surgeon whilst maintaining a greater sense of control of your body. If desired you can be given a slight relaxant to help make you more comfortable.

Neck and chin liposuction VASER

Dr Kahlout shares his personal views and medical experience about VASER Liposuction treatment in a series of clinic blogs. To find out more please click one of the links below:

Double chin options

New resolutions for neck definition

Liposuction with VASER

VASER Liposuction Cost

Permanent Results

Neck and double chin liposuction with VASER has quick recovery. Fat is permanently removed from the neck and double chin and patients will see immediate results. VASER is fat removal not fat reduction procedure. There is a few days of downtime with results getting better over the next couple of months.

Future Weight

Weight gained after neck liposuction with VASER does not necessarily go back into your neck. Even if you do gain a substantial amount of weight, it would be tough to regain all the fat removed during VASER neck liposuction.


Healthy adults with realistic expectations are most suitable for the procedure. Non-smokers with lower BMI and reasonable quality skin will do best. At your initial consultation we will examine you and assess your individual suitability and predicted response to the treatment.


Thanks to the selective VASER technology and the minimally invasive Renuvion J-Plasma, fat is removed with little or no effects to the rest of the body. Blood vessels, nerve endings and lymphatics remain largely spared. Some bruising and initial swelling can be expected. Recovery is quicker than traditional liposuction and aftercare is minimal. The majority of patients will typically be back to work or normal daily activities within a few days. Although results are immediate, they get better over the next couple of months.


After VASER neck liposuction, some degree of swelling occurs for two to three weeks. In most patients its only slight. Anatomical compression head garment helps immensely. Up to 8 out of ten people show no more swelling two weeks later. By six to weeks after VASER neck liposuction nearly no one has swelling. After VASER neck liposuction, we ask our patients to sleep with the back of the bed raised. This elevated position help to reduce swelling and speed up recovery.


On either side of the jawline there is a nerves that supply the lower lip. The nerve is called the superficial branch of the marginal mandibular nerve, a branch of the facial nerve. following any liposuction of the neck and jawline swelling starts in the neck tissue. Swelling around this nerve can lead to a temporary weakness of the outer portion of the affected lower lip. It is usually one-sided. It can be an alarming feature for patients. Fortunately, this lip weakness is usually transient and goes away after several days or weeks.


Firmness under your VASER neck liposuction scar is not unusual. It could appear to be lumps but are mainly temporary fibrosis tissue. They may take six to eight months to dissolve after VASER neck liposuction. They don’t require any intervention and eventually disappear without any rubbing or massaging.


Skincare corrects and also maintains optimal skin health. Post liposuction we recommend specific topical treatment creams to further enhance uneventful recovery and tighter skin results. Aftercare skin regime is important for those who already loose skin or stretch marks before undergoing liposuction. It is also relevant when large amount of fat is removed from the abdomen.

Regular application of skincare in the immediate post-op period allows for smoother transition to better results. ReFirm contains a unique combination of essential oils and repairing active peptides. Made with high quality natural plant-based ingredients. When combined with Recover Cream they have synergistic effect firming and healing treated area. Recover contains o.5% retinol and other nutrients to help balance the skin.

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