Some ladies are trim and slim around the waist and tummy areas, but have a problem with excess fat on the inner and outer thighs being disproportionately bigger, making it very difficult for them to find clothes to fit properly. Often their hips and thighs can be 1-2 sizes bigger than their waist. No matter how much they diet and exercise, they find it hard to lose the fat from their thighs.

I’m afraid to say that by-enlarge the only solution is fat removal with VASER liposuction and more recently I have been getting good results with fat freezing.

Now I would like to explain how VASER liposuction to the thighs is done at Castleknock Cosmetic Clinic:


The outer thighs (saddle bags) are considered as 2 areas while the inner thighs (inseams) are another two areas and the back of the thighs, known as the banana roll is a third area on each leg. So to have the inner, back and outer thighs treated, you would need to budget for 6 areas.

It is not recommended to treat all the way around the front of the thighs in any one sitting as this could lead to serious lymphatic complications. For this reason I avoid liposuction of the anterior part of the thigh in the same procedure as the other three areas.

I usually see my patients on a separate day for consultation and assessment in order to agree the areas to be treated and do pre-procedure work-up and to order a custom fit compression garment.

On VASER lipo procedure day, I confirm the agreed the areas to be treated with the patient facing a mirror and then make the surgical markings with the patient’s approval.

How its done

The procedure is performed under some mild sedation for a pain free experience. I don’t believe the hype about pure tumescent anaesthesia being painless – it is slightly uncomfortable as described by an article review by one of our clients. It is just about tolerable without the sedation, but not pain free. The twilight conscious sedation makes all the difference.

I start with the patient lying on their face down and I place a small 4 mm opening in the buttock fold (as to making it hidden). This point of entry allows me to treat the back, inner and outer aspects of the thighs. This is where most of the fat lies anyway, so most of the work is done in this position.

The patient is then asked to rotate facing up, and I  place another 4 mm entry point in each groin giving me access to the front part of each outer and inner thigh. The scars in the groin will heal nicely and are usually covered up by underwear.


After the procedure you will be asked to wear the custom fit compression garment designed specifically for you. Compression garments will minimize swelling and bruising and maximize the smoothness of the contour.

I recommend manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and ultrasound cavitation therapy for at least 10-20 sessions over the next 6 weeks to accelerate the recovery and prevent unevenness.

How much does VASER Lipo cost?

Our current fee for treating inner, back and outer thighs under twilight sedation starts from €4950. Should you desire to have the aftercare MLD with us the we add €100 per session for 10 sessions. But please check current fees when enquiring.

To see guiding before and after photos of thigh VASER liposuction please follow this link.

cost of medical procedure

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