Facial aging is a natural process that leads to two main types of individuals: hollowers and saggers. As we age, our skin tissue undergoes changes, causing irregular contours that result in either a sunken appearance (sinkers) or a drooping, saggy look (saggers). This blog delves into the factors that determine which aging type a person falls into and explores effective strategies to address these changes.

1. Identifying the Types of Facial Aging:

Facial aging can be categorized into two main types: sinkers and saggers. Sinkers experience deflation of facial tissue, resulting in a hollow, sunken appearance. On the other hand, saggers are prone to a drooping or saggy look due to skin descent. A combination of both aging types is also possible.

2. Factors Influencing Facial Aging:

The aging process is influenced by skin tissue density and thickness when aging begins. Thinner and less dense skin is more likely to sink, while thicker and denser skin tends to sag. People with thicker skin may notice their cheeks starting to droop, while those with thinner skin experience more definition and shadowing in the areas losing volume.

3. Are You Sinker or Sagger:

Different signs help identify whether you are a sagger or a sinker. Individuals with round facial shapes are more likely to be saggers, while those with chiselled features may lean towards becoming sinkers. Weight also plays a role, as facial fat from weight gain thickens the skin tissue, contributing to sagging.

Addressing Hollowers and Droopers with Injectables:

Non-invasive treatments like injectables offer solutions for combating facial aging. Thicker skin may require hyaluronic acid dermal fillers for support, while thinner skin can be benefit from bio-stimulators like Radiesse and Sculptra for restoring skin density.

Challenges of Treating Thick and Dense Skin:

Individuals with thick and dense skin and a higher BMI pose challenges in non-invasive treatments. More products may be needed to achieve noticeable results, making treatments less effective. In such cases, MiniLift or J-Plasty are a viable alternative, providing immediate support with or without adding volume.

The Role of Skin Elasticity:

Skin elasticity, or turgor, also influences facial aging. Some individuals maintain taut skin tissue as they age, while others experience natural loosening. Those with above-average skin turgor have a better chance of delaying or avoiding mechanical lifting of the face, especially if they stay fit and use injectables to maintain their youthful appearance.

Sinking vs. Sagging Over Time:

Both sinkers and saggers will experience some degree of sagging due to a loss of skin elasticity. However, saggers with thicker skin tend to experience less pronounced jowls compared to sinkers. Eventually, without intervention, everyone will face a degree of sagging as the skin loses elasticity. Bio-stimulating Radiesse and Sculptra help maintain skin density for a longer time, deferring the need for mechanical intervention.


Understanding the distinctive types of facial aging, sinkers and saggers, and the role of skin denisty that influence each type is essential for effectively addressing the changes that come with aging. While injectables offer non-invasive solutions, individual skin characteristics and weight play significant roles in determining the best treatment approach. By staying proactive and maintaining healthy skincare routine, individuals can work towards preserving their youthful appearance and delaying the need for more extensive interventions.

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