Fat dissolving injections are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that involves injecting a solution into targeted areas of the body to dissolve and eliminate unwanted fat cells. The solution typically contains deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance that helps to break down and absorb dietary fat in the body.

When the solution is injected into the area of unwanted fat, it causes the fat cells to rupture and release their contents. The body then naturally eliminates these fat cells through the lymphatic system and liver.

Over time, this process can result in a reduction of the amount of fat in the targeted area, leading to a slimmer and more contoured appearance. Typically, multiple treatment sessions are required to achieve optimal results.

Fat dissolving compared to VASER

Fat dissolving injections and Vaser (or VASER lipo) are both cosmetic procedures used to remove unwanted fat from the body, but they work in different ways and can produce different results.

Belkyra (Kybella)

Fat dissolving injections, such as Kybella or Belkyra, involve the injection of a solution into targeted areas of the body to dissolve and eliminate fat cells. The procedure is non-invasive, does not require anaesthesia, and typically involves little to no downtime. The results are gradual and may require multiple treatment sessions to achieve optimal results. The procedure is generally suitable for small, localized areas of fat.


Vaser, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses ultrasound energy to break up and remove unwanted fat from the body. The procedure requires anaesthesia and involves a longer recovery time than fat dissolving injections. It can remove larger volumes of fat and can be used on multiple areas of the body in one session. The results are generally noticeable immediately and continue to improve over time as the body heals.


The results of fat dissolving injections and Vaser can vary depending on the individual’s unique circumstances, including the amount and location of the unwanted fat, the desired outcome, and the individual’s overall health and medical history.

Suitability for fat dissolving injections

The suitability for fat dissolving injections, such as Kybella or Belkyra, will depend on several factors. These may include:

The location and amount of unwanted fat

Fat dissolving injections are typically suitable for small, localized areas of fat, such as under the chin or on the banana rolls or bra bulge. It is not suitable or even licenced for larger areas of fat or for areas with loose skin.

Overall health

The procedure may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as liver or kidney disease. The procedure is not recommended for individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Individuals with allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients in the injection may not be suitable for the procedure.


It’s important to have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure. Fat dissolving injections can be effective in reducing the appearance of small localized areas of fat, but it’s not a weight loss solution or a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. It is unlikely to cause effective skin tightening of the treated area. Successful results requires a number of fat dissolving treatment sessions.

fat dissolving injections lipodissolve kybella

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