Retinol in skincare has really come a long way. In the past you used to get a prescription for Retin-A and call it a day. You’ll be flaky all the time and have sensitive skin and irritated. You stopped and started between loving the effect and hating the side effects. Hate love relationship with retinol plagued people for such a long time. Over the counter retinols were either too weak and didn’t cut the mustard or too harsh and caused as much sensitivity as prescription Retin-A.

What is Retinol

Retinol is over the counter medication while Retin-A is by prescription only. The two compounds are forms of retinoids, which are a form of vitamin A. They promote skin cell renewal and enhances collagen production in your skin. They are the only skin compounds that are proven as the gold standard for skin cell renewal and collagen production.

Collagen is what makes your skin plump and youthful. As we age collagen production is slowed down and we also lose collagen in our skin on day to day. The replenishment of fresh collagen cannot catch up with attrition and our skin thins out becomes dull and sags.

Benefits of Reinoids:

Acne prone skin with acne breakouts. Retinol clears your pores and strengthen your collagen matrix in the skin firming and plumping the collagen layer of your skin.

Retinol is brilliant for anti-ageing and that’s why many people opt to use it on regular basis

Retinol is good for hyperpigmentation as it helps to clear damaged dark blemishes.

Drawbacks of Retinol:

Increased sensitivity to the sun

Dry out your skin and can give you flaky skin and shedding

You can’t use it while you’re pregnant (at all)

Skin may look worse before it gets better especially when using high strength retinol without acclimatising the skin properly.

When to use retinol:

Ageing prevention from as young as in your twenties and you don’t stop, ever. You just increase your usage of it.

It you’re an acne sufferer you should start as a teenager

Which Retinol:

You can start with a low strength retinol like Demani Recover which contains 0.5% Retinyl which can be gentle and compounded with active calming ingredients. Start using it twice a week building up to every second day. Acclimatising your skin and getting used to it. When your skin can tolerate it every day, then you can move on to a stronger formulation like the Demani R+ 1% which is a serum rather than cream.

If you jump into the stronger retinols, you’ll get flaking, irritated skin especially in the T-Zone area. It almost feels like a contact dermatitis and could deter you from continuing to use it.

How to use Retinol:

Use retinol preparations only at night. Use retinoids after cleansing your skin preferably with a calming cleanser like Demani Prepare which is a soothing cleanser. Use it every second night to start with and increase the frequency according to your skin’s tolerance.

Do’s and Don’ts of Retinol:

Use only at night time as the sun does two things to retinol. First it deactivates the active retinoid and second it causes sensitivity to retinol covered skin.

Use with good SPF during the day, the higher the better. Demani do Protect SPF 50 which is moisturising and tinted.

Use gradually to find your sweet balance between benefit and irritation. Some use it every second night, others three nights on three nights off! Find what’s best for you!

Use a good oil free moisturiser to keep the skin calm and aid hydration potential. Demani Hydrate is super hydrating non oily hyaluronic acid moisturising serum.

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